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Terri Gueck – K9 Fitness Classes and Conformation
Terri has over 30 years experience working with dogs. She has trained and
competed in conformation, obedience and rally obedience. Her Tibetan
Terriers have won numerous awards and are recognized world-wide.
She is now the owner/instructor for Wag’n Well Pet Fitness. Core
conditioning is key component to enhancing the performance of canine
athletes. It is also highly beneficial for developing puppies, building
confidence in shy dogs, and maintaining strength and balance in senior
dogs. It helps stabilize weak areas, improve balance and proprioception
(body awareness), improve reaction and control, and help prevent injury.
Wag’n Well Pet Fitness offers a variety of classes to choose from. Class
sizes are limited to ensure each participant gets the one-on-one coaching
they require. If we don¹t have a time slot that works for you, please
contact us. If there is enough demand we will add another class. Private
sessions also available.
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